What is an egg waffle?
Egg waffles are a variation of the traditional waffle. They are known by many names: bubble waffles, Hong Kong style waffles, egg waffles, egg puffs, puff pastry, pancake waffles, pancake balls …… and its Cantonese name gai daan jai (translation: “little egg”). They are similar to traditional waffles as they are made of fermented batter and cooked in a hot iron. Although the main ingredients are slightly different, the main difference in bubble waffles is that they are cooked in special baking trays that cook the batter in a repeating pattern of connected spheres, similar to bubble wrap. They come in a variety of flavors (e.g., original, green tea and purple sweet potato) and variations (e.g., cones, pockets and sandwiches). Sometimes they are served with ice cream, sauces or other toppings.

Egg waffles originated on the streets of Hong Kong and Macau in the mid-20th century, but took the world by storm throughout the 2010s. Now, they are often served as a snack or dessert with ice cream.

Where can I get them?
Egg waffles have become quite common and can be found in most major cities and surrounding areas in Asia with large populations. More specifically, they are often found in many Asian ice cream parlors, as these bubble-shaped waffles are often used as a substitute for waffle cones filled with ice cream. Check out this interactive map to find places where you can visit and taste freshly made egg waffles.